Young mum dies due to lack of cancer treatment during lock-down
Kelly Smith, 31, was recovering until her chemotherapy treatment was fatally suspended

Mrs Smith told BBC Panorama that her fatal position was due to the six-week chemotherapy suspension that took place.
In response to a medical expert asking her if she was scared of dying, she said: “I’m terrified, absolutely terrified. I don’t want to die. I feel like I’ve got so much more to do.”
She added: “I’m angry that I got put [sic] on this break because I don’t think I should have. I’m angry at Covid because it’s made me have this six-week break. It’s made me be put [sic] in this situation now.”
Mrs Smith was 28 when she developed bowel cancer in April 2017, which also spread to her liver. At around this time she started an Instagram account @kickasskell aimed at raising awareness of her journey with bowel cancer and has over 15,000 followers.

Before the lock-down Mrs Smith said to Bowel Cancer UK: “I’m recovering now and [I’ve] had my PET scan. It’s revealed I have no bowel cancer left and none of my lymph nodes are cancerous.
“It also showed the cancer hasn’t spread anymore.
“I’m hoping my journey is a positive one as I have a three year old son. I’m not married but I have a long-term partner. I would love to share the same last name as my partner and my son.”
Kelly made a post to her Instagram a week before she died with her six-year old son Finn in her arms. It’s final line reads: “Life is so short and precious, don’t waste a second.”
The funeral for the mother-of-one took place last week. BBC Panorama footage of the ceremony shows she had a pink, sparkly coffin.
Kelly’s story will be aired on BBC Panorama tonight at 19.30pm. The show investigates fears that the Covid-19 pandemic has caused a crisis in cancer care that could mean many thousands more will die.