Two terminals of Manchester Airport Was Closed Down For New Lockdown
Manchester Airport made new changes to the airport for the lockdown due to COVID-19

The management team of Manchester Airport announced that the two terminals of the airport closed down temporarily as a precaution to be prepared to decrease passenger numbers. Closed terminals also mean cutting 465 jobs at the airport.
According to the lockdown plan of Manchester Airport, all flights will be operated from terminal one until further notice.
New rules in the airport came after new lockdown rules of the government and the management of the airport aimed to decrease infection rates and spread of the virus with closed terminals.
Karen Smart, managing director at Manchester Airport, said: “The coronavirus pandemic poses an unprecedented challenge to our airport and to our wider industry, but we are determined to provide passengers with the best possible service in the circumstances, ensuring both their safety and comfort.
The officers made an announcement to all passengers that they should be in contact with airline companies for changed flights and new rules.