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Manchester Parents Torn when it comes to reopening of schools

Survey shows many still uneasy about the return to classes

Survey says

It appears Manchester parents are torn when it comes to schools reopening in September.

The Manchester Evening News conducted a Back to School Survey recently asking mums and dad’s how they feel about kids going back to class.

Over 4.7 thousand people took part in the survey which was shared on the Manchester Family Facebook Page.

The numbers show 54% of parents are glad to see their kids back in schools while 46% said they are not.

The main reason parents for the no response from some parents stemmed over concerns that their child may be vulnerable to the coronavirus.

That wasn’t the only topic that parents were split on though.

Wearing Masks

Parents were asked if kids should wear masks at school.

57% of people said yes while 43% said no.

The government has not made it a mandate to wear masks in the classroom.

There was even more indecision when the question of how safe they feel their children are in school.

26% answered 1 to that question meaning they felt least safe. A total of 23% answered a 5 to that question, very safe. Meanwhile, there was an equal split between those who answered a 2 or 4 to that question.

Do Parents need Schools to Reopen?

The numbers weren’t quite as close when it comes to the question asking if parents actually need schools to reopen so they can go back to work or keep working, 59% said yes to that.

It doesn’t appear most parents have a lot of faith that schools can stay open with any issues though.

Will Schools remain Open?

The question ‘how confident are you that schools will remain open without having to send classes or year groups home because of confirmed cases’ was asked to parents.

44% of respondents, answered 1 meaning least confident, only 12% answered 5 meaning very confident.

Are students learning enough?

Finally, it looks like parents are concerned students are getting enough work and support.

When the question is you confident your school will provide enough work and support for your child if it closes again’ came up, 44% said no.

National Priority

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has insisted on getting all pupils back to school is a “national priority”.

It’s also being rumoured that the government is putting together a back-up plan to teach students from home should they see a second wave of the coronavirus. (JSL)

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