Groundbreaking donation poised to revolutionise international development studies at University of Manchester in the 21st century
The Global Development Institute at The University of Manchester has received a generous donation of £2 million from the Rory and Elizabeth Brooks Foundation. This donation will fund a groundbreaking programme of work aimed at reshaping global development research in the 21st century, with a focus on addressing global inequalities and promoting social justice.
The gift will support the GDI in forming partnerships with universities in developing countries, with the goal of co-creating knowledge and ensuring equitable relationships in research and teaching. Activities funded by the donation include the establishment of a policy lab and new PhD studentships focusing on climate change and poverty reduction.
The donation reflects the Brooks’ commitment to sustainable development and social justice, and their belief in the importance of philanthropy to drive innovative and impactful initiatives in higher education. This contribution follows a recent gift from alumnus Simon Sadler, demonstrating the University’s reliance on philanthropy to support its mission of creating a better future.
Overall, this generous donation highlights the University of Manchester’s dedication to excellence in research and education, and its position as a global leader in addressing complex challenges and making a positive impact on society.