Council launches consultation on red route scheme

Trafford Council has launched a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) consultation into plans for a red route scheme to make two of the borough’s busiest roads better for road users, residents and local businesses.
Red routes are designed to enhance the experience of all road users by improving journey times and bus reliability while reducing congestion and improving air quality through managing start/stopping vehicle movements.
The plan for parts of the busy A56 and A5081 roads in Stretford and Trafford Park would also provide a safer environment for people, walking, cycling, wheeling and driving, by discouraging obstructive and dangerous parking.
Trafford Council, working with Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM), has launched a consultation asking the public to share their views on the proposed scheme. The proposal covers the A56 and associated side roads from Junction 7 of the M60 to Manchester City Council boundary and A5081 and associated side roads from Junction 9 of the M60 to White City Circle.
The Council wants to introduce the red routes as the use of traditional yellow lines and loading restrictions do not restrict vehicles stopping for the purpose of picking up and dropping off passengers. Also, there are specific concerns regarding inappropriate and obstructive parking, including on footways and verges, and it is hoped the new red routes will help put an end to the issue.
There have been concerns raised by the council, local residents, Greater Manchester Police and TfGM regarding congestion and road safety issues, in particular, relating to events hosted in the Old Trafford area, including Old Trafford Football Stadium and Victoria Warehouse.
More information about red routes and the proposed Traffic Regulation Order (TRO), along with associated documents can be found on the Council’s Traffic Regulation Orders page.
Any comments/objections to the proposals, together with the grounds on which they are made, should be sent, in writing, to the postal address below or by e-mail to [email protected] by 8 April 2024.
One Trafford, Traffic Section, Tatton House, Caldey Road, Manchester, M23 9LF
Cllr Steve Adshead, Trafford Council’s Executive Member for Highways, Environmental and Traded Services, said: “The Council is concerned about reports of bad parking and congestion and is looking to do something about these types of issues – and we want to know what you think.
“We are proposing to introduce the red route scheme at key locations on the highways to prevent problems with stopping and parking. The scheme would also be good for the environment, as it would lead to a smoother flow of traffic resulting in less emissions.”
Peter Boulton, TfGM’s Highways Network Director, said: “Whether its drivers, cyclists or pedestrians, everyone is entitled to be able to use our roads safely, and providing an efficient highway network is key to supporting this.
“Red routes on certain key main roads can help us to cut down on congestion and keep Greater Manchester moving, while also helping to improve air quality and support the ongoing delivery of our integrated public transport system, the Bee Network.”