£150 Fine For Feeding Pigeons In Piccadilly Gardens

£150 Fine was given to each of two sisters in Piccadily Gardes for feeding pigeons.
On Wednesday morning, Jacqueline Falconer, 53, and her sister Nicola, 48, were doing Christmas shopping in the region. Then they left Primark to get some food from McDonald’s and took their food as a take-away due to coronavirus restrictions.
While eating their breakfast in Piccadilly Gardens, they started to feed the pigeons at the same time without knowing that it has a council issued fine. After a while, two officers came to the place and stopped them. The officers said it has a council issued fine and they can’t feed animals in the region.
After the incident, the sisters said that “We are both scared of birds and they were flying at us so we threw the food to get them to go away.”
The sisters said that they won’t pay the fine and there wasn’t a sign to warn them. Jacqueline said, “Both my sister and I suffer from anxiety and we just needed to get these birds off our back.”
Executive member for neighbourhoods, councillor Rabnawaz Akbar, said: “Our message is simple – we don’t want people to feed the pigeons and will continue to issue fines for this littering offence until the penny drops, instead of the food.”