Salford launches planning plan up to 2042
Salford is launching a public consultation to set out its planning policy up to the year 2042.
On Tuesday 26 November the council’s Cabinet agreed that the second part of the plan can go to the public for comments.
The ten week consultation is due to begin on Monday 9 December 2024, finishing on Monday 17 February 2025.
Salford’s Local Plan is split into two parts and is a blueprint for the future on how the city should develop and grow. The aim is that the city grows in a sustainable way that benefits local people. The first part of the Local Plan was adopted in January 2023. This part of the Local plan will cover the growth strategy for Salford, establish visions for the city’s different neighbourhoods, and identify development allocations and Local Green Space sites.
Part two of Salford’s Local Plan will also complement Places for Everyone which involves nine Greater Manchester districts. This comprehensive plan for the sub-region sets housing requirements and allocates major sites for development.
Councillor Mike McCusker, Lead Member for Planning, Transport and Sustainable Development at Salford City Council, said: “This is our plan for the future of where new homes, businesses and other places should be located. And importantly it is designed to protect our most important green spaces for generations to come.
“We now want local people to have their say on this plan and urge them to have their say. The vision of ours is to create a better and fairer Salford for all. The population is growing and more homes and business spaces need to be built. This is happening nationally and in Salford we want to make sure that these sites are in the best place for them, and impact on our communities the least.
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