Salford launches 2023 – 2028 employment and skills strategy
Salford has launched a new five year employment and skills strategy.
The aim is to help better connect local people to the growth that is taking place in the city and narrow inequalities.
Led by the Salford Skills and Work Board, the strategic partnership for employment and skills in the city, the strategy was launched at 100 Embankment on Tuesday 21 November.
Salford City Mayor Paul Dennett said: “This new strategy sets out our vision up to 2028. Here at Salford City Council we are absolutely committed to the skills and work agenda.
“The past decade has seen Salford’s emergence as one of the fastest growing places in the north. This is exciting news but it is vitally important we make sure that local people are benefitting from that growth.
“Jobs grew by 19 per cent, more than four times the national average. And importantly more than 90 per cent of these are full time roles. We’ve also seen rapid growth in Salford residents’ wages, which are now well above the average for Greater Manchester.
The partnership strategy sets out four main objectives.
- Young people in Salford achieving and progressing in their careers
- More adults in Salford entering and staying in good work
- More working residents progressing in their careers
- Employers in Salford better able to access and develop skills for growth
Councillor Bill Hinds, Salford City Council’s Lead Member for Skills and Work, Business and Workforce and Chair of the Salford Skills and Work Board said: “The hard work is well underway as we strive to make better opportunities and outcomes for our local residents. At the launch event, it was fantastic to see the positivity of partners and their commitment to drive positive change in the city.”
In 2021 Salford City Mayor Paul Dennett agreed a newly funded £1.5million Skills and Work programme. In May 2022 Matthew Ainsworth was appointed as its new Director for Skills, Work and Inclusive Economy.
The 23 page document can be read on the Partners in Salford website.
Partners involved in the project include:
- Salford City Council
- Salford City College Group
- University of Salford
- The Growth Company
- Salford CVS
- Broughton Trust
- The Business Group Salford
- Salix Homes
- Department for Work and Pensions
- Career Connect
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