
Police Officer Accused of Drug Dealing After Dropping Cocaine at School

Andrew Talbot, from Greater Manchester Police, is accused of drug dealing after allegedly dropping a bag of cocaine at his daughter’s primary school, an incident captured on the school’s CCTV. Talbot was arrested on 17 February 2020, four days after the incident, which led to a broader investigation revealing allegations that he took four kilograms of cocaine from a police evidence store and illegally accessed police data to search for drug dealers in his area.

Now suspended from duty, Talbot faces charges of supplying cocaine, misconduct in a public office by accessing GMP intelligence, and failing to comply with subsequent police investigations. He denies supplying cocaine but has admitted to stealing it and accessing the police computer system to look up known or suspected drug dealers.

Prosecutor James Lake told Liverpool Crown Court that Talbot’s actions suggested he was seeking an outlet for the stolen cocaine. In his defense, Talbot claimed he was a cocaine user but not involved in supplying the drug. He has also admitted conspiring with convicted drug dealer Keith Bretherton to help recover a drug debt using his position as a police officer.

Additionally, Talbot pleaded guilty to accessing police computer systems to provide information to a close friend under investigation for assault. However, he denies supplying cocaine to others between 13 February 2018 and 21 January 2020, and misconduct in a public office by accessing intelligence data about drug dealers between May 2018 and February 2020.

Talbot also faces charges of failing to comply with a notice under the Regulation Investigatory Powers Act for not providing the correct PIN for his phone to investigators. While admitting to accessing the systems, Talbot maintains he did not do so for the purpose of drug supply and argues he is not guilty of misconduct. The court case continues as these allegations are examined in detail.

‘Unhealthy Relationship’ Revealed in Court

During the court proceedings, prosecutor James Lake revealed that Andrew Talbot was working in the serious crime division at Nexus House when he was suspended. An investigation began after a bag of drugs was discovered, prompting a search at his workplace, where additional cocaine was found on his person and in his vehicle.

Mr. Lake stated, “The cocaine found on Talbot was clearly stolen from the GMP property store.” Forensic analysis confirmed that nearly four kilograms (3.943kg) of cocaine were missing from the evidence bags, which had been seized during police operations. Lake added, “Four kilograms of cocaine is far too much for personal use, even for someone who admits to being a user.”

The court heard that Talbot had an “unhealthy and criminal relationship” with Keith Bretherton, a known drug dealer, and that Bretherton was likely one of the outlets for the stolen cocaine.

When interviewed in February 2020, Talbot admitted to being a cocaine user since 2012. He explained that he took the drugs to work to avoid leaving them at home where his children lived, stating that he would purchase an ounce at a time for £800.

The trial is ongoing, as further details of Talbot’s actions and connections continue to emerge.

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