
Illicit cigarettes and vapes worth £9,600 found in the latest seizure by Trading Standards officers

On Tuesday 1 October, Trading Standards officers from Salford City Council, together with partners, raided four retailer premises in the Swinton and Eccles areas of Salford.

The operation was part of two national initiatives, Operation CeCe and Operation Joseph: the objective is to tackle the sale of illicit tobacco and illegal vapes respectively.

Upon entering the premises officers with support from a dog handler and tobacco and vape detection dogs Skye, Lilly and Louis discovered a total of 9,580 cigarettes, 3.55kg hand rolling tobacco and 667 disposable vapes all of which was found in concealments to try to avoid detection.

In one store, a total of 4820 cigarettes and 1.95kg hand rolling tobacco were uncovered in a purpose-built concealment located in the floor of the building. The trained tobacco and vape detection dog sniffed out the illicit goods and alerted officers to the find.

The stores that were targeted had been under surveillance for a number of months. Test purchases had been carried out in then and evidence of illicit cigarettes being sold had been established. Some of the goods were suspected of being counterfeit and did not have the correct health warning: the disposable vapes were found to contain up to five times the legal limit of e-liquid.

Councillor Barbara Bentham, lead member for environment and community safety, said: “The sale of such products is illegal and in Salford we will do all that we can to stamp it out. The packets carry no health warnings and taxes are not paid on it, which deprives our communities of funds for vital public services such as the NHS and social care.”

“Purchasing products like these only profit criminals, and we must all play our part to stem the spread of this commerce to protect our communities.”

Information on anyone selling illegal goods can be reported, anonymously, via Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 0808 223 1133.

You can also report any concerns, anonymously, by contacting Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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