Fiscal Plan and Local Authority Levy 2024-25
The local council in Stockport has allocated funds for various services in the upcoming financial year. A total of £264m will be spent on schools, while £65m will go towards Council housing, mostly funded by rent income. The net revenue budget for Council services in 2024/25 is set at £336m, taking into account income from fees, charges, and grants.
The majority of the planned expenditure, around 61%, will support vulnerable residents in the borough. Significant spending will also go towards waste collection, public transport services, and other essential services. Positive investments include partnerships with various organisations to support residents in need, holiday activity and food programmes, maintenance of drainage infrastructure, and an independent review of housing management.
Council tax plays a crucial role in funding these services, with almost 58% of the Council’s resources coming from Council Tax income. To ensure financial sustainability, the Council has decided to increase Council Tax by 4.99% in 2024/25, with part of the increase going towards adult social care services. In addition to Council Tax, Business Rates income will also contribute to funding Council services.
The Council has ambitious plans for capital investment in the Borough, focusing on infrastructure, housing, and regeneration projects. The three-year Capital Programme for 2024/25 includes schemes to improve highways, develop housing, and regenerate town and district centres. Funding for the Capital Programme comes from grants, contributions, revenue, and borrowing.
For more details on the Council’s budget, Council Tax, and Precepts, visit the Council’s website at
Michael Cullen, Deputy Chief Executive, Stockport Town Hall.