
Derelict land set to become manufacturing hub

The council’s lead for Corporate Property, Cllr Sue Haworth, will consider the sale of land near Kestor Street at her next Executive Cabinet Member meeting (Sept 17).

The site, which sits on the corner of Kestor Street and Bury New Road, is mostly brownfield land with a small, unused, play area in the southeast corner.

As part of proposed £740,000 land sale, the transaction will lead to the establishment of a brand-new public play area with modern equipment, to be located at a separate site in the local area.

The design and siting of the new play area would be decided and arranged by the council in consultation with local residents.

The proposed sale is part of the council’s ongoing Strategic Asset Management Plan under which surplus council assets are either sold to businesses or transferred to local community groups.

This includes land and buildings with no strategic, development or investment value and which may also be costing the local authority significant amounts to maintain.

Cllr Haworth said: “This plot of land is currently unused, costs the council money in upkeep, and could potentially attract antisocial behaviour.

“The proposed sale would generate income for the council, create local jobs and deliver a new play area for the community.

“These proposals are a great example of our Strategic Asset Management Plan in action, and I will consider them in detail at the upcoming meeting.”

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