Sara scoops Bury Adult Learner of the Year for 2024

Bury Adult Learning Service has celebrated the success of its learners, who have all worked very hard to combine studying with home, family and work commitments.

The learners were representative of many different courses and had been nominated by their tutors in recognition of the level and progression of study and achievements in their various subject areas.

The annual event, in the Peel Room, Town Hall, Bury featured learners, tutors, and volunteers along with dignitaries and staff from Bury Council.

The evening began with a fabulous performance by the Bury Fire Choir.

Bury Adult Learning Service named Sara Saeedi as the overall Adult Learner of the Year.

Sara’s tutor, Tracy Moulton, who nominated her for the award, said: “Sara has been incredibly brave through a period of adversity, which she has had to navigate with limited language skills. She has been resilient, resourceful, determined and patient.

“On the positive side, having to deal with a number of agencies and organisations has meant that Sara’s confidence in speaking English and her communication skills have improved considerably. This in turn, I’m pleased to say, has led to her making new friends inside and outside of the classroom who’ve been able to give Sara some welcome support.”

Councillor Eamonn O’Brien, Leader of the Council said, “It was my absolute pleasure to attend the Learner of the Year event this year and present the Overall Learner of the Year Award to Sara.

“This type of event is such a special occasion and was a great opportunity to meet all the learners nominated by their tutors. The learners are a credit to Bury Adult Learning Service and have shown outstanding passion, commitment and drive to improve themselves through learning. I’d like to congratulate all the learners and wish them well for the future”.

Also, recognised that evening were the volunteers who give up their time freely to help other learners. They were presented with certificates, in recognition of the invaluable contribution that they make to Bury Adult Learning Service.

The new autumn/winter course guide is now available from Bury Adult Learning Centre, libraries and community venues across the borough of Bury. A copy can also be downloaded on

To enrol or for further information, call Bury Adult Learning Centre on 0161 253 5772.

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