Join us for the launch of the 2024/25 ‘Opening up research’ programme

‘Opening up Research’ is a collaborative effort involving the Office for Open Research, the School of Engineering Open Research Lead, representatives from the United Kingdom Reproducibility Network (UKRN), and Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute, with the aim of promoting and facilitating open research initiatives and practices within The University of Manchester.

Open Research Kick-Off 2024/25

Join us at the Core Technology Facility on Monday, 28 October 2024, at 9.30am for the launch of our 2024/25 programme.

The event will open with a joint welcome address from our new President and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Duncan Ivison, alongside our Vice-President for Research, Professor Colette Fagan. Following this, there will be an update on open research initiatives at the University, including valuable insights from our Open Research Fellows.

2024/25 Opening up Research events

The Open Research Kick-Off is just the beginning of an engaging series of events for the 2024/25 academic year, culminating in the Open Research Conference. This year’s events programme is closely aligned with the Open Research Skills Framework, which provides essential guidance on fostering openness throughout the research lifecycle. Opening up Research events are open to all University staff, including professional services staff, postgraduate researchers, and early career researchers.

Get involved

If you’re interested in presenting your work at one of the events, or if you have any queries, please reach out to the team at:

You can also subscribe to our Open Research Digest to stay updated with the latest developments in open research at the University and beyond.

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