Are you a carer, looking after a family member, partner, or friend who cannot manage without your support?
Have your say on priorities for the next five year city-wide carers strategy refresh (how to make life better for carers in Salford). Salford City Council is requesting your input to understand your experiences of being an unwaged carer in Salford, for example what’s working well, areas for improvement, gaps in services and support.
A carer is anyone who cares (unwaged) and looks after a family member, partner, or friend who, due to older age, frailty, illness, disability (physical/mental/learning), or substance misuse (alcohol, drugs) cannot cope without their support. Unwaged carers includes carers receiving Carer’s Allowance, Carer’s Personal Budget etc as these are benefits, not wages.
This is an exciting opportunity for Salford carers’ voices to be at the heart of strategic plans and for your lived experiences to be heard and influence the future of services supporting unwaged carers across Salford.
Sometimes people may not view themselves as carers, they feel that they are helping out of love or duty for their loved ones. No matter what level of caring you are doing we want to understand your experiences of being a carer in Salford; and how supported you feel.
The survey results will feed into the shaping of the ‘Salford All Age Carers Strategy’, a city-wide strategy on how to make life better for carers in Salford (2025 – 2029).
The current strategy (2020 – 2024) reflects the lived experience of carers across Salford, highlights and recognises their needs. It gives an overview of local and national information to help drive priorities forward. It is also used to ensure that all partner agencies are aware of their statutory responsibilities.
Your voice is important, we value your time and insights and thank you in advance for your feedback. The survey will be open until 30 November 2024.
Executive Support Member for Social Care and Mental Health, Mishal Saeed said, “Our unpaid carers are the bedrock of our health and social care system. They play an essential role in our communities and make huge sacrifices to take care of loved ones. We want to ensure that the new Carers’ strategy reflects the views and experiences of our unpaid carers, supports them and serves their needs effectively. If you are a Carer, please take part in the consultation and share your insights. We thank you for contributing to this important work.”
This is the second call for feedback and is intended for carers who may have missed the first survey advertisement. If you have already completed the survey, thank you for your input, your views have been collated and therefore do not need to compete the survey again.
For more information on help and support carers can receive now, visit, call 0161 834 6069, or email
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