Trafford locals urged not to overlook vital information on voting in upcoming elections

Letters are being dispatched to every home in Trafford to remind residents about the upcoming local elections in May. The Household Notification Letters (HNL) contain information on how to register to vote, the various methods of voting available, and the requirement to bring identification when casting a vote at a polling station.

The elections on Thursday 2 May will see a third of seats on Trafford Council up for grabs, as well as the mayoral elections for the Greater Manchester Combined Authority.

Sara Todd, Returning Officer for Trafford Council, emphasised the importance of voting, stating: “We want to encourage as many people as possible to participate in the democratic process, as the Council plays a significant role in shaping Trafford. Registering to vote takes just five minutes, and checking your registration status is even quicker. Voting is fundamental to our democracy, so please keep an eye out for your letters.”

Trafford Council has recently assessed its polling districts and stations to ensure they are easily accessible to all residents. The HNL includes details of polling stations for each resident to ensure they are well-informed.

Residents voting at polling stations are required by the government to bring photo ID. Those without ID can follow the instructions in the HNL to obtain a Voter Authority Certificate. The HNL also outlines the process for voting by post or by proxy for those who prefer these options.

For more information on the elections in Trafford, residents can visit the council’s elections pages online.

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