Significant milestones reached in welfare support following successful campaign

Two-years-on from the launch of Wigan Council’s cost-of-living campaign, Here for You, the authority is shining a light on the impact it has had on the lives of individuals across the borough.

Taking a pro-active and targeted approach, the local authority’s welfare support team have helped hundreds of residents access more than £1.6m in previously unclaimed welfare benefits.

And in the last year, over £350,000 of support for rent has been distributed to over 970 households through discretionary housing payments.

Councillor Susan Gambles, cabinet member for welfare, said: “Our Here for You campaign brings together help, advice and financial support for all our residents across the borough as increases in energy, food and fuel have affected everybody.

“The impact that this campaign has had on individuals cannot be understated and I’ve heard first-hand the difference it has made to people’s lives.

“Whether it’s older people being able to access lifechanging pension credit top up or a family accessing discretionary housing payments, I’m proud that Wigan Council has taken such a proactive approach and seen such positive results in what is such a challenging time for so many.”

Throughout the winter months, the council joined forces with local voluntary, faith and community organisations to offer a network of more than 80 warm, welcoming spaces across the borough which saw thousands of visitors.

Over 7,500 children eligible for free school meals participated in holiday activities during easter, summer and Christmas of 2023 and the council distributed nearly £5.7m in food and fuel support to residents most in need through the Department for Work and Pensions’ Household Support Fund.

In the latest phase of activity, specialist advisers have been touring the borough’s libraries to offer expert advice and support to help people access financial support they are missing out on. To find a date near you, please visit

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