Metal recycling initiative delivers £14,000 New Year windfall for Andy’s Man Club

A staggering £14,000 has been donated to Andy’s Man Club, a men’s suicide prevention charity in Rochdale, thanks to a national recycling scheme that repurposes metals from cremations. The scheme, managed by the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management and OrthoMetals, has raised an astounding £19,112 million for various causes since 2006. This particular round of donations saw a total of £2,071 million given to worthy charities. Andy’s Man Club was founded in 2016 by Luke Ambler and Elaine Roberts, following the tragic suicide of Andrew Roberts. Their aim was to support men and their families in overcoming mental health issues and preventing further loss. The club has since grown to include over 130 locations and has helped thousands of men through open and supportive conversations. The donation from Rochdale’s crematoria will greatly aid the club’s work in breaking the stigma surrounding men’s mental health. Councillor Liam O’Rourke expressed gratitude to the families and friends who consented to metal recycling, as their contribution enables vital charities like Andy’s Man Club to provide support to those in need. Lucas Whitehead, Head of Marketing and Partnerships, expressed deep appreciation for Rochdale Borough Council’s £14,000 donation, emphasizing how it will directly fund essential venue costs and awareness-raising efforts across Greater Manchester and the UK. Local charities offering bereavement services to borough residents can apply for a donation in the next round, available in summer 2024.

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