Hate crimes have no place in Oldham

This Saturday sees the start of National Hate Crime Awareness Week (12 – 19 October).

During the week Oldham Council and our partners will be raising awareness of the impact hate can have on people’s lives – and also making sure they know how to report it.

Councillor Arooj Shah, Leader of Oldham Council, said: “Sadly over the summer we saw hate and violence raise its ugly head across the country.

“Horrible incidents like that have no place in our borough.

“Every Oldhamer should be able to live their life without the fear of being abused, threatened or attacked just because of who they are. 

“Tackling hate crime is everyone’s responsibility as it ruins lives. We all need to do our bit and call it out.

“By doing so, we’ll be supporting the victims and hopefully helping to put an end to their suffering.

“If you are experiencing hate, or you know someone who is, please report it.

“Don’t let someone get away with abuse.”

Throughout the awareness week the council will be sharing videos, information, and support messages.

Hate crime is an act of violence or hostility that is directed at a person or group because of who they are or what they think they are.

It comes in many different forms such as physical attacks, a threat of attack and verbal abuse or insults, and anyone can be affected by such incidents.

Unfortunately, many hate crimes go unreported.

If you have been affected by a hate crime, even if you’re unsure that you’ve been a victim, it is important to speak to someone.

In an emergency call 999 and in a non-emergency call 101 or go to a nearby police station and report it or visit gmp.police.uk to Live Chat with an operator. On-line:

Extra support is also available through the Stop Hate UK Helpline on 0800 138 1625 – a free confidential 24-hour hate crime reporting service.

For more information on hate crime, please visit: www.oldham.gov.uk/hatecrime

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