Final opportunity to express your views on exhilarating proposals for the establishment of six fresh Family Hubs throughout Oldham

Person holding two cute babies at Beever Family Hub
Visitors at Beever Family Hub which opened last July

Oldham’s first Family Family Hub has provided a lifeline to families with thousands of visits

The Beever Family Hub has been extensively used since its opening in July at the former Beever Children’s Centre. There is now less than two weeks remaining for people to express their opinions on the proposal to establish six more of these comprehensive centres.

Local families have been actively sharing their thoughts on the initiative to open seven Family Hubs in the vicinity. These hubs aim to cater to parents and parents-to-be from conception until their child reaches 19 years of age, or 25 years for those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

These Family Hubs will offer a wide range of services, including health clinics, breastfeeding support, prenatal and postnatal care, baby bonding classes, Stay and Play sessions, as well as parenting assistance.

As we transition to these new Family Hubs and other community buildings, there will be a reduced need for the current Children’s Centres in the area. However, this reorganization will not result in any decrease in the services provided.

The Beever Family Hub, located at the former Beever Children’s Centre in St Mary’s, has proven to be a vital resource for parents like Angela. She started attending the hub with her premature eight-month-old daughter, Kianna. Angela experienced mental health difficulties during her pregnancy.

“We almost lost her,” the mother of three shared about her daughter. “She was delivered by emergency caesarean, weighing only 3lbs 13ozs.

“I spent five months on a mum and baby unit,” she explained. “I struggled with anxiety, and coming here helped both me and my daughter by providing interaction with other children.”

Courtney, another mother, commended the hub as a “one-stop place to go as a family.” Kaisha, who started attending the hub while pregnant with her now 16-month-old son Kaison-Ray, expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to socialize with other mothers.

“We attend sessions on Wednesdays, and it gives me a chance to meet other mums,” she praised. “My midwife was based here, so I’ve been coming since I was pregnant.

“I’ve made friends here, and my son interacts with other children. I’ve noticed a positive change in him. Seeing other kids crawling has motivated him.

“At 21, I’m a young mum, but everyone here has been welcoming and supportive. It’s a whole day out of the house, and everyone engages with each other.”

Hollie shared her son Haris’s positive experience at the hub, stating, “He gains a lot from coming here. He enjoys messy play and gets to interact with other children.” Roma, whose son Isaac has been attending the hub since he was just two months old, added, “He loves it. He loves interacting with other children.

“And it’s not only beneficial for the children but also for the adults.”

In November, the Family Hub recorded 698 attendees throughout the month. The most popular sessions were Stay and Play, midwifery clinics, and baby clinics run by health visitors.

We would like to hear your thoughts so that we can ensure you receive the necessary support in your local area.

Participate in the online consultation now and share your views before the closing date of Monday 29 January.

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